producing 1st edition of Akamba Food Festival
November 06, 2020
In recognition of my work and contribution to the use of Arts for Social change, I was invited by the County Government of Makueni to be the creative director for the first edition of Akamba food Festival. The overall objective of the food festival is to stimulate the rediscovery of the value of indigenous foods and promote consumption of the foods in Makueni County. By creating an awareness raising platform, The Akamba Food Festival is a showcase of the gastronomic heritage of the Akamba people. Through the festival, we call upon our community to rediscover healthy, affordable and nutritious food heritage. The festival stimulates early stage food entrepreneurs (women, youth), street vendors and small holder producers and consumers to adopt healthy food production and consumption practices in urban areas and the countryside. The festival provides valuable indigenous knowledge associated with the preparation of indigenous foods. It stimulates initiatives that accelerate a shift towards more sustainable, diverse and healthy food production and consumption practices. Above all, it increases awareness on diet-related nutrition deficiencies, obesity and noncommunicable diseases. Exclusive images of the event are available here
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“Everywhere he worked, Gregg leaves a long lasting legacy. His work ethic combined with affinity to strategic thinking makes him a master of several trades, a quality that enables him to simplify complex phenomenon into digestible units,” Joram Mwimano, WYLDE International.