Petitioning for No Guns in Our Clubs


Organised a petition that yielded 85,344  Signatures in support for ban of weapons in public places of entertainment.

“We want to stop the culture of allowing guns into entertainment spaces in Kenya, while demanding justice for Felix Orinda, popularly known as DJ Evolve. He was shot twice in the neck on the morning of Friday January 17, 2020 at B Club, Nairobi. This incident bring to question the state of workplace safety in public places of entertainment.The DJ Fraternity in Kenya and the diaspora calls for immediate action by Club Owners and the relevant government authority to bring to book the perpetrators of the crime. Be part of the community that stops impunity and demands justice. Sign this petition and lets make our clubs safer places of entertainment! ” See more at

To action the results of the petition, we organized meetings with PERAK – Pubs and Restaurant Owners Association of Kenya to pursue safer clubbing mechanisms. Together with KraalAfrica, and Ushahidi we are working on #SaferClubbingKe initiative to monitor and report the state of safety compliance in various entertainment events and clubs in Nairobi, before we can expand to East Africa.

November 29, 2020